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Storm Clouds

The Problem

The burning of fossil fuels and releasing of other global warming gases in our industrial, commercial, governmental, and residential activities is increasing the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere. The carbon and greenhouse gas releases are changing the global climate to be much warmer.  We are currently experiencing approximately a 1.5-degree Celcius average temperature increase. This increase is causing weather events to be much more intense and dangerous. If this trend continues, our planet will become inhospitable to our traditional way of life. 

The extra costs of weather disasters are affecting us all.  The severity of disasters caused by climate change place very heavy financial and social costs and burdens on our communities and our society. 

Traffic Jam

Burning of Fossil Fuels

We burn fossil fuels such as gasoline, coal, diesel fuel, propane, and natural gas to produce power and energy for transportation and utilities. Every gallon of fossil fuels we burn releases Carbon Dioxide into our atmosphere, which traps the sun's heat, causing gobal warming.

Industrial Smoke

Industrial and Agricultural Processing

In addition to burning fossil fuels, manufacturing processes in industry and agricultural operations release Carbon Dioxide and other greenhouse gases. These releases can come from chemical reactions in manufacturing operations, chemicals used in cooling systems, and waste disposal processes. 

Landfill Management

High Global Warming Chemicals

A Global Warming Potential (GWP) is a calculation assigned to a greenhouse gas to reflect how long it remains in the atmosphere and how strongly it absorbs energy.  Gases with a higher GWP contribute more to global warming.  Methane (from landfills), Fluorinated gases, and Nitrous Oxide all trap more heat than Carbon Dioxide for a given amount of mass.

Image by Oleksandr Sushko


Global warming is creating extreme variability in our weather. Heat waves and drought are devastating our agriculture.  The cost to keep our cities and homes habitable is increasing.

Image by Chris Gallagher


Storms are getting strong. Sea levels are rising. Extreme flooding is making some communities uninhabitable, and the finacial consequences are disastorous.

Forest Fire


The fire season is getting longer and more intense.   Extreme fires are destroying large amounts of forest land and even entire communities.  These fires are catastrophic, and the burning generates even more greenhouse gasses.

Sea Turtle


As the oceans warm, it causes acidification and loss of oxygen.  As the ocean acidifies, ecosystems and livable habitats for life are ruined.

OUR JUST CAUSE: To stabilize our climate with community action.

​ is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and small businesses through education. seeks to help everyone understand their carbon footprint and the best ways to reduce their impact on the climate.

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