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Ted Wells

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

The Burning Problem

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The burning of fossil fuels and the release of global warming gases from industry, commercial businesses, governmental agencies and residential activities is increasing the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere.

The carbon and green house gas releases cause the global climate to be warmer, resulting in dangerous weather patterns that are inhospitable to our traditional way of life.

With more releases, the problem worsens:

  • rising sea levels

  • acidifying the oceans

  • severe weather disasters like heat waves, fires, flood, and storms.

These disasters not only damage our environment, they place heavy financial costs and burdens on all of us.

The Burning Problem is that our burning of fossil fuels and releasing other global warming gases in our industry, commercial, governmental, and residential activities is increasing the temperature of the atmosphere of our planet. The Carbon or Green House Gas (GHG) releases are changing our Global Climate to be much warmer and changing our weather to be much more dangerous and inhospitable to our traditional way of life.

As more Carbon and GHG are released the problem gets worse including increasing sea levels, acidifying the oceans, and severe weather disasters like heat waves, fires, floods, and hurricanes. The extra costs of these disasters are affecting us all. These disasters place very heavy financial and social costs and burdens on all of us and our society.

There are many educational tools to learn about Green House Gases and Carbon Footprint Reduction. We have reviewed many information sources and have assembled a quick introduction based on the collective work of the IPCC (United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) and many others, and we owe them a grateful thanks and give all the credit to them for their great work and dedication.

Green House Gases are gases that are emitted from many sources that cause our atmosphere to get hotter because they trap heat from the sun in the atmosphere and cause Global Warming.

Gases such as carbon dioxide CO2 and methane CH4.

  • Our Current Global Atmospheric CO2 and other GHG Gas levels have increased due to our Carbon Emissions.

  • The Global CO2 levels are causing our global temperatures to increase challenging our traditional way of life, putting stress on our communities and cities.

  • The global temperature increase is creating devastating variability in our weather and destroying our ecosystems.

  • The IPCC (which is the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) has modeled the future and determined that if we do not Reduce our Carbon Footprint by 50% by 2030 and To Net Zero by 2045 our global temperatures will get progressively worse and create additional significant damage to our would our societies and our way of life.

  • If we do not take action to reduce our carbon emissions and protect our world the global impact will be devastating. Some of our communities will become no longer habitable and all of us will experience devastating financial burdens on each of us and our communities.

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